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Nyungwe - Rwanda

Nyungwe - Rwanda

Released: October 2023

Origin: Nyamasheke, Rwanda

Farm: Akagera

Producer: Rusatira Emmanuel

Altitude: 1,800 m

Variety: Bourbon

Process: Washed

Notes: Lemon, Orange, Almond

Cupping Score: 88

Recommended brew method: Filter

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Rusatira Emmanuel founded Baho Coffee to help local farmers through building multiple washing stations across the country. Rwanda has approximately half a million small-scale coffee farms, all in need of access to equipment and knowledge to process coffee cherries. Emmanuel has over 20 years of experience as a washing station manager - he has helped many small-scale farmers to produce high-quality coffee beans, providing them with an edge to compete on a global scale. Emmanuel also supports farmers through multiple social programs focusing on education, financial support, and health care, especially for those in marginalized groups including women, older farmers, and youth. This lot of coffee has a bright acidity of lemon, juiciness of an orange, and sweet like almond.